ARCHI 9000 Registration System

ARCHI 9000 is a digital disturbance recording system. The device digitally records analog and binary measurement signals occurring in power facilities for their subsequent analysis using the SAZ2000 program. It is a completely scalable device with the possibility of expansion to 128 analog signals, 32 frequency measurement signals and up to 720 binary inputs. Available sampling frequencies for fast recordings from 0.5 – 10 kHz, and for slow recordings every 0.1 to 120 seconds.
The enormous recording possibilities are extended with output modules enabling precise signaling of normal and emergency operating states.

ARCHI - System for recording disturbances and events

Characteristics of the ARCHI 9000 Registration System

The digital recording system allows for recording fast-changing disturbances by digitizing analog signals, currents and voltages, and binary signals supplied from selected station circuits. Records all data occurring before, during and after the disturbance. An unlimited number of ARCHI 9000 systems can be installed on one energy facility. The system operates with synchronized clocks and with synchronized sampling of the 1PPS and GPS signals.
The SAZ2000 program allows for simultaneous analysis of many registration systems located in any geographical area.

The disturbance recording system includes the following basic parts:

  • digital recording modules for analog and binary inputs ARCHI-LGU – 8 analog inputs, 45 binary inputs, 6 signaling outputs
  • ARCHI-LGU modules are equipped with extensive functions of recording excitations, the so-called triggers in relation to single analog and/or binary signals
  • ARCHI-CPU central units, equipped with memory up to 2TB, one unit supports up to 16 ARCHI-LGU recording modules in real time;
  • local ARCHI-LVU data visualization and analysis station, one station for max. 4 ARCHI 9000 systems, optionally equipped with a local printer;
  • SAZ 2000 data analysis software.

Technical Documentation

Technical Documentation