MTXvADS is a variant of combination unit, with MTXvAD and MTXvD features in one housing. The unit is equipped with a special software package designed to work with UTX3.2.
This set is optimized for use in medium voltage installations (MV), in particular in MV switchgears. The basic version is equipped with 8 analog inputs 4 x U and 4 x I and up to 7 binary input and output cards with various configurations. Measurement synchronization is based on the 1PPS signal.
MTXvADS is equipped with a GPS receiver, which allows the device to operate completely autonomously in this area. The device is equipped with SFP Ethernet ports enabling connection of the UTX3.2 + MTXvADS set directly to the S-bus (SCADA) in the VLAN and PRP protocol.
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